Test events that must take place before the new community stadium can open have been delayed by the coronavirus pandemic.
And final construction works at the project have also been set back.
Two test events due to take place at the long awaited stadium in January were axed before the pandemic.
Social distancing guidelines now mean the events cannot currently be rescheduled, a City of York Council report reveals.
It says: “The construction of the York Stadium leisure complex is practically complete but final items have in the recent weeks been effected by Covid-19, like so many other construction sites and wider businesses.
“The York Community Leisure Complex does though remain a live building site, albeit with a reduced workforce.”
It adds: “When all contractors and partners are able to return safely to the site to fully complete the works, they will.
“Only at that point can the stadium look to hold test events required and open thereafter.”
Public wifi is currently being installed on site.