I never thought I would be so eager to see Russell Brand. He has been on quite some journey over the last few years from wanting to change the world from his bedroom to becoming a dad.
And as ever has lived much it in the public domain.
His book Revolution changed my perception of him and rather than be repelled by his Ego, I have become intrigued.
Hence being sat four rows from the front, at the Barbican in York last night.
He didn’t disappoint. My cheeks still hurt today!
Playfully puerile
The first half was playfully puerile with camera’s helping him pick out audience members who had completed the after ticket sales survey which asked questions like “What’s your most embarrassing sexual memory?”
I shall spare the blushes of those that did share (although you can see for yourself in the video above…). He does chastise them though: “Why, why would you give these details over to a professional show off with a mic?!”
He wandered in the audience, receiving a hug from a devout fan. Then sat with a teenager realising he could have fathered this young lad.
It led him on to talk about what kind of parent he would have been 16 years ago – drug and sex addicted and married to Katy Perry versus the one he is aiming to be now – sober, student and new wife.
Deeper side
The show continued with him calling out on past behaviours. Ridiculing his interview on Newsnight and his quick switching between personalities – happy jolly cockney rhyming to gangster rapping.
And of course touching on the deeper side of life, consciousness and God.

I have seen many comedians live but none have ever spend the interval talking with the audience, talking selfies and signing books.
None have made a beeline to hug an audience member at the end of the show either. He did all of the above and more.
If you were a previous hater of Brand and all he stood for take another look with fresh eyes… outwardly he looks the same but he’s changed!