Issued by City of York Council
York’s International Women’s Week was marked with a ‘Loose Women’ style discussion forum at York Explore Library Learning Centre.
Councillor Sonja Crisp, City of York Council’s Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture and Tourism said: “A ‘loose women’ forum held at Explore York Library Learning Centre yesterday discussed current events in a Q&A session, hosted by Gillian Holmes, City of York Council’s Explore Leader: Archives and Local History.
“Guests included Lesley Booth MBE, head of the University of York’s Centre for Lifelong Learning, Reverend Sharon Whittington who is Chaplain at York’s St. Leonard’s Hospice, Councillor Julie Gunnell, Labour Councillor for Micklegate Ward since 2007 who will be the new Lord Mayor in May and myself as Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture and Tourism and also Holgate Ward Councillor.”
Topics discussed included how the media represents women, sports coverage generally and during the 2012 London Olympic Games and female representation on political discussion programmes. Gender differences in the workplace was discussed – especially in primary schools and care environments and how that can impact on service users.
Information on women’s health issues will also be available during the week at both libraries and Tang Hall Library too.
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