City of York Council has welcomed the news that Primark are planning to move into two locations in the city, in the expanded and soon to be vacated M&S store on Piccadilly and an additional new store at Monks Cross retail park.
Correspondence to Cllr Alexander, the leader of City of York Council, expresses the firm’s interested in investing in the two locations in York, with Thomas Meager, director of property for Primark saying: “We had a strong requirement in York for a considerable period of time.
“Primark is currently represented in nearly 200 locations in the UK and Ireland and York is one of the largest major cities without a store.
“We have traditionally been an investor in town and city centres and are currently in discussions on an opportunity in York city centre which we are hopeful will come to fruition.
“However, this store will be smaller than we would ideally require in York given the size of the catchment. We therefore feel the city centre and Monks Cross complement each other as both locations tend to service slightly different customer markets.
“We therefore consider that a dual store strategy is appropriate in York, which will give a good balance between catchments.”
The additional store at Monks Cross would occupy Unit 1 of a proposed redevelopment of the existing Monks Cross site, subject to planning being approved.
Cllr Alexander said: “This is yet another example of growing confidence in York’s economy. The council’s economic growth and increasing jobs priorities are beginning to pay off.
“We have worked with Primark over the past year to ensure that their needs can met in York. Since they submitted their planning application I have received correspondence direct from York residents to say they are looking forward to not having to travel to Harrogate or Leeds for this brand.
“Primark’s intention for a second store at Monks Cross demonstrates that York doesn’t have to be about in town versus out of town but rather York as a city competing against other cities.
“Should planning permission be granted by the planning committee, our focus will be on ensuring that the jobs created go to people in York.”
Eric Hall, TDH Estates said: “Monks Cross Shopping are in negotiations with Primark and are discussing the possibility of the retailer occupying one of the units of the proposed scheme.
“Monks Cross Shopping are very excited about the possibility of working with Primark and bringing the much sought after retail brand to York.”
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