Issued by City of York Council
An investigation carried out by City of York Council has helped to tackle a case of fraud in the city.
The council carried out an investigation into a claim to housing and council tax benefit after a member of the public brought the crime to the attention of the council’s fraud hotline.
Mrs Harrison (33) of Tostig Avenue, York, failed to declare that she had a partner, who was in paid employment, residing in the property for a number of years whilst receiving benefits.
A joint investigation was conducted by Veritau, who investigate fraud on behalf of the City of York Council, and the Department for Work and Pensions who found that as a result of not declaring this Joanne Harrison was overpaid £3,283.28 in Housing Benefit and £2,682.64 in Income Support.
On 22 October 2013 Joanne Harrison pleaded guilty to all charges at York Magistrates Court and received a conditional discharge.
Cllr Dafydd Williams, Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance and Customer Service said: “This is another example of a good result in the fight against fraud.
The council will not tolerate this type of criminal behaviour, at any level, and action will be taken against those who are abusing the system.We’d like to thank the member of the public who brought this crime to our attention and encourage anyone with any information on fraudulent activity to phone the confidential fraud hotline on 01904 552935 or email the fraud department.”
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